You've probably seen it a thousand times.
A blog post on your company's website, an email from your customer service team, or a social media post from your marketing team.
The content is always the same: some text, some images, and maybe a video or two.
But what exactly is "web content"? And what do we call "web copy"?
Web copy and web content are two different things that we should be aware of.
This article will help you understand the differences between web copy and web content so you can use them effectively when writing your next blog post or launching your next marketing campaign.
Web Content vs Web Copy: What's The Difference?
Web Content is the foundation of your website. It is what users see when they first arrive on a site, and it's the content you use, for better or for worse, to build a relationship with them. Web content is usually used for marketing or branding purposes.
Web Copy on the other hand is the text that appears within websites, across multiple pages. It's how you communicate with prospects and customers through your website to establish trust and trustworthiness.
The goal of web copy is to inform readers about what you do and why they should care about it.
The goal of web content is to teach people how to use your product or service in specific ways.
So how do you get people to read your Web copy and engage with your web content?
Here are some tips on how to do that:
Use bold text for keywords and phrases or important information. You want your readers to see what you want them to see. This helps them find what they're looking for faster on Google search results pages (SERPs).
Be consistent in how you format your text. For example, don't mix up font sizes or colors (like red text against a white background.) It can be distracting and confusing for readers.
Include links where appropriate so readers can easily click through to the site where they'll find more information about whatever it is they're interested in reading about.
Write concisely. Your readers will get bored if you ramble on and on with too much information. Use short sentences, short paragraphs, and bullet points to keep your copy short and your content sweet!
You need to make sure that your words are:
● Effective – Use the right words and phrases to get your message across. Think of how you can best capture the attention and hearts of your clients. Focus on using effective words that are going to help solve their problems.
● Concise – Make sure that you don't waste time with unnecessary words and sentences. Get to the point and make sure to cut to the chase. It can be easy to want to add a bunch of fluff, but as you’re editing, make sure your words are concise and cut out the words that aren’t needed.
● Original – Don't copy what other websites have said, or use the same phrases that everyone else is using these days. Try to be different if possible. Nobody likes a copycat, and being original can truly be the difference of standing out from your competition!
● Easy To Read – Make sure that your writing is easy to read without being too complicated. Step away from the jargon and use easy to understand language.
● Informative – Make sure that you give your website visitors enough information about your product/service.
A lot of what we do as content creators are about creating web copy and web content. The difference between the two is often a matter of semantics. Hopefully you’ve found this article helpful in explaining the difference between the two.
If you’re ready to incorporate new web copy and content into your website, contact me today so we can give you the website your business deserves.
Follow me on Instagram for more website design, copywriting, and social media tips!